Do You Know What Pre-Biotics Are?

Do You Know What Pre-Biotics Are?

Chiropractic Miami FL Health and Wellness Pre-BioticsThe term probiotics is very well-known and many people are aware of the incredible health benefits of foods high in probiotics. Gut health and immunity depends on probiotics, as much research has shown.

But what about pre-biotics? Are they the same? Do you need one more than the other?

They are NOT the same and we all need both! Luckily, many foods we consume daily are filled with powerful pre-biotics. But first, let’s find out what they really are!

Pre-biotics: a group of nutrients that are degraded by gut microbiota.

They pass through our upper digestive tract but aren’t digested because our body can’t fully break them down until they reach the colon of the small intestines. There, these nutrients are fermented by the gut microflora.

Actually FEED the probiotics (which are live microorganisms in our gut) and produce postbiotics, which are their by products!

So, what are the benefits of pre-biotics?

  1. Improved digestion and gut health
  2. Improved immune system and function
  3. Decreased risk for cardiovascular disease
  4. Better hormonal balance and stress response
  5. Decreased risk for obesity and gaining weight
  6. Decreases inflammation in the body

What happens if you don’t get enough? Disease!

Then, what are some of the top foods of pre-biotics we can include in our everyday diet?

  • Chicory root (can use this as a binder in cooking!)
  • Onions (raw or cooked)
  • Raw garlic
  • Greenish bananas
  • Raw or fermented asparagus
  • Acacia powder (can put in smoothies)
  • Dandelion greens
  • Raw jicama
  • Raw leeks

It is great to supplement for both as well. For children, it is better to
get through foods and not supplement!

How many of you eat these foods regularly?

©NewLeafInspiredLiving, Dr. Sherry Rosado